Geo Diamond Blue lens review (geolenses)

Hey guys! One of my exams is over and I got the best grade yaay~ I’m so happy it’s over.. I only have 3 exams the next week, and I’ll be free!
I had a little time after my 1st exam, so here is a new review. It’s Geo Diamond Blue lens from geolenses. It’s my first time using white eyeliner, so I think I need more practice with that haha~

Diameter: 14.8mm
Base curve: 8.8mm
Life Span: Yearly

Color & Design:
The design is very unique! It’s called ’diamond’ and not by a chance, since you can see the design really looks as if they were little sparkly diamonds. I thought the color won’t show very well on my dark brown eyes, but I was suprised it pops out quite well. It’s not as bright on darker eyecolors like on the stock photos, but you can still spot the lens even in dim light.

It's big but not crazy big. It's enough to give you a little dolly effect. I recommend them for girl or shota characters. If you want a nice but not too fake enlargement to your eye, it's perfect.

I like this lens, it’s comfortable and so are the other GEO lens I own. It fits well and doesn't move in your eyes. I wore it for 6 hours, and they didn't dry my eyes, but reminder we all have different eyes so it might not be the same on yours.

These came in super fast this time! I would emphasize that the service is awesome! They're very kind and helpful, they answer all of your questions immediately, and they do everything to help you. 

If you want an unique look with blue color that doesn’t give you fake effect, they're perfect. It's super comfy, and great for girl/shota characters.

Overall I’m in love with them, it looks amazing!  If you're interested in this lenses or others from geolenses, you can buy from their site with using my coupon code 'temesasu' for 10% off! They offer FREE international shipping and a FREE lens case for each pair of circle lenses. ^ω<
